Atari 8-bit software

Back in the 80s I wrote a few applications for the Atari 8-bit computers (Atari 400, Atari 800, Atari 800 XL, ...).

Recently I retrieved them from their old 5"25 diskettes so that they won't get lost once those diskettes are no longer readable (I'm still amazed that most of them were still readable after some 35 years).

I publish them here in case anyone still uses the old Ataris, either the real hardware or an emulator.


Mini-DOS is a replacement for DOS 2 or DOS 3 that stays in RAM all the time and doesn't wipe out memory (e.g. your BASIC program) when called. You can thus for example easily examine the contents of your diskette drive without having to save your BASIC program first and reload it afterwards or hassle with MEM.SAV files.

Mini-DOS 2
Mini-DOS 2

80 characters per line

The following applications allow you to use 80 characters per line while preserving the full edit functionality of the standard 40 character screen.

Download SOFT80.ATR
Download EDITOR80.ATR

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